Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

Thursdays are now dedicated to being thankful for something in Thailand. 

As expats it may seem like we lead this glamorous life and are on a constant vacation. Okay maybe the kids and I are now, but Walter really does work. Who else could drop the toys in the cereal boxes. ;)

Foreign living over time can cause negativity to creep into your life because your not around family, friends or just some familiarity. To stay positive, sometimes you have to find the smallest part of your day that makes you happy to get through to the next. Obviously we aren't there yet but I thought maybe to avoid this spiral we begin with the focus on the positive. 

Here is what we are thankful for today;

Walter ~ Thankful for the warm weather but that I am not sweating to death. 

Maggie ~ Thankful for my beautiful morning view over looking the bay of Thailand. 

Jack ~ Thankful that Sparky is arriving to our house today. 

Andrew ~ Thankful that I get to eat sushi for breakfast but not thankful for the men who wear speedos         here at the resort. 

Erin ~ Thankful that we get to swim in our own pool today. 

Ryan ~ Thankful that I slept in until 9am today. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hotel Life ~ Jack Approved

 Writing has never been my strong suit.   Blogging is definitely how I push myself to do something where I am probably at my most vulnerable state. My kids have decided that my writing is no longer an embarrassment to them, they actually kind of like it. I think its because they can google me and find my blog and see they are talked about. Makes them feel like celebrities, I guess. I give credit to Jack with my topic today. I struggled with what to write about. The blogging world suggests that you write daily/weekly so you don't lose your audience. I think with like 5 followers I might be safe.  :) but my 10 year old actually encouraged me to write today. I think it's because he wants to see his name again. His topic suggestion was hotel life. 

Hotel life can be rather mundane. Somedays it feels like the movie Ground Hog Day.  Jack disagrees, he said life is not boring mom, we live in a hotel.  True, very true Jack!

Day 23 of living in a hotel. Can you imagine?  The Town Place Suites in MI was very comfortable. They were extremely accommodating but it was small for 6 people, Yes we had 2 rooms. It was definitely a self service hotel and most of the people that stayed there were business people. We did have our fun, hotel parties with our crazy friends which garnered a few, please be quiet and can you stop running in the halls with the dog.  I swear that wasn't me nor the kids!  

The hotel in Thailand is a bit different. It is definitely a 5 star hotel. I always say, "big Papa' aka Walter" is a smart man. We are treated like royalty. We actually have our own floor to eat at which only a select amount of guests can go there to dine, the 19th floor.  Thank you Big K. 

People knock on my door to collect my laundry. I have yet to give them the mother load. I give them a few pieces at a time. The kids share a room with 4 individual beds, we refer to this room as "the pit". Honestly my boys are pigs and Erin just deals with it. Walter always wants to know why they are always in our room. I say because our room is clean and orderly. 

We have 3 happy hours a day. 2 of which are buy 1 get 1 free, this occurs at the swim up bar. The other is open bar for 2 hours. Thanks 19th floor. The kids will order any drink they can think of.  A favorite is virgin strawberry daiquiris, last night was virgin piña coladas.  We have sushi for breakfast.  Now you know why they don't complain that we haven't moved to our house. 

People watching here is amazing. Andrew is sure that the Russian mafia is staying across the hall from us. All their shirts say SWAT. I'm sure it stands for some Geek IT company. It has been fun to make up stories about some of the people here. We try to play guess the accent or nationality.  I suck at that game, as my kids like to remind me. 

It looks like our stay will be extended. As always with living in a foreign country, you have to be flexible, really flexible. Paper work is slowing up the process of delivering our air shipment. Looks like another week here at the Amari. It doesn't stink but it does have its draw backs. Staying at a hotel is supposed to be a privilege not a penance, sometimes it feels like the latter. I wake up everyday looking for the positive. Somedays you realize it's right in front of your face, your kids. 

My kids have sure shown me that life can be crazy at times but they do love the adventure. They can create fun out of anything.  I'm amazed every day at their courage to try new things and venture so easily out of their comfort zones. I'm still learning that character trait. They have no problem asking for what they want and going to get what they need. Even if it means lots of sign language and pointing. Ryan, the best at it of all, likes to go to the markets and barter for what he wants. Man he does it well. Jack likes to order all the crazy drinks, virgin of course, he orders for me too most days, non virgin of course. Erin is my buddy, hangs with her mom chatting about life but also plays the crazy games with the boys in the pool. Andrew, who knows, that kid walks and talks to his own tune.  How we all don't admire his ability to be his own person. Don't worry they all still drive me crazy, daily. 

I will leave you today with a funny story from our side of the world:

The other night the kids and I are on our own for dinner.  Don't worry, no McDonalds for us. One of the restaurants on the hotel site sits off to the side. It's main entrance is towards the street. It has peaked our curiosity since we have arrived. Looking on trip-advisor it ranks as the #4  recommended restaurant in Pattaya. Of course we go. The kids and I dress up, it has a dress code that they state they strictly enforce. No problem! Ryan calls to see if they have room for 5. Of course they do, remember Big Baht from the elephant rides. No Problem! 
Have you ever walked into a restaurant and as your walking towards the table try to figure out how you can leave with out anyone noticing?  No, well I have.  Problem!  This place is amazing. The decor wild, goth like with very good taste, fresh fish swimming in people size tanks.  A wine cellar that was as big as my kitchen.  Lobster from Maine, WHO orders lobster from Maine in Thailand?   As we are sitting down we are accosted by several wait staff waiting for our order. I think each of us had our own waitress. The drink menu is a mile long. Food Menu in hand I now know I am not getting out of here for less that $300. People, I am with 4 kids. The big K is not expensing our ability to try every first class joint in this town. Sitting there the kids are thoroughly enjoying this ride.  Me not so much, worrying about what big Papa will say. Not much I can do but enjoy and enjoy we did. There is a reason it is ranked #4. The food was outstanding. Chicken nuggets were not On this menu. First class dining at its best and we all looked good. Wish I had my camera, the bathrooms in itself were a sight. Wow!  Of course we all had to see for ourselves. In the end big Papa was not mad and we did make it out for less than $300, barely. Oh well as my kids say, YOLO! 

Can't wait to try the #1 ranked restaurant. ;)

😘 M

"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home." - James Michener

Pool time!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Part 2 / The Massage

Part 2 of Sunday

Typically Walter is not a impulsive kind of guy.  He made an exception this day. We had just finished with riding the elephants and were having a much needed lunch, as well as a much needed talk, remember my kids did not say much during our morning elephant ride.  After expressing our amazement over the morning I decided we needed a little relaxation. Walter was thinking pool and a little email. Though when is Walter not thinking of email these days. I had a completely different thought, Thai massage. 
Here in Thailand there are many Thai foot massage places. Yes one may think Thai girls with happy endings. That is NOT what I was thinking. Not all Thai foot massage parlors are that either. One particular place had caught my eye when we were here back in April. It is right around the corner from our hotel and seems very professional. It reminds me of the numerous nail salons in the states. It has large windows so you can see entirely in the store. The difference is that the chairs are lined up right in front of the windows so that the entire public can see what is going on. Somehow this gives me a sense of safety. Weird I know but come here and you will understand. 
Erin and I have wanted to do this since our first visit.  We tried in April but the wait was to long and we were short in baht. This was on our list of things to do once we returned. I thought it would be really fun if we did it as a family. I always know that Walter really loves me when he follows along in one of my crazy ideas. He was not to keen on having someone touch his feet. We were only going for a foot massage, come on. Family peer pressure got the better of him when all the kids agreed that this is what we were going to do, he is also not one to miss out. 
Taking off your shoes is customary here for entering most places, this was no exception. The 6 of us enter this store to be greeted by all these ladies. We as a party of 6 with our distinct difference in our nationality is a show in itself and Walter is like Godzilla in this country so he gets lots of respect whether he likes it or not.  His feet are no exception either as the ladies liked to point out. With very little English they do know BIG FEET. The ladies lead us to these sinks on the floor to wash our feet then lead us to the chairs for the entire public to watch. This place is very professional. It smells amazing like a mixture of menthol and jasmine  Right now I feel like I'm describing a cartoon but it wasn't like that, though we all giggled like school girls. For a complete hour our feet were rubbed and not the kind our grandmothers did where it was to the point of tickling. I'm talking hard pressure almost hurts but feels so good foot massage. For 50 minutes they rubbed our feet and legs. We were lined up next to each other. It was like a well choreographed line dance the way these ladies moved. They dug their elbows into our legs, they popped our toe joints. It was amazing. The last 10 minutes was dedicated to our back and head. What an amazing massage. Erin and my boys were in heaven. I've never seen them so quiet and content for an hour. Even Walter relaxed and I think secretly enjoyed it.
These ladies were amazed that I was the mother of all these kids, sometimes I am too :). The only thing strange was the women kept touching me. Not in an inappropriate way just grabbing my arms and forearms. It was strange and I have no explanation. 
At the end we were given tea and led outside to collect our shoes. It was definitely a memorable moment. One that Jack would like to repeat daily as he has so obnoxiously reminded me of since. 

I definitely can say that this experience will be repeated, when? Maybe Wednesday. ;). 

Getting our feet washed

So relaxing

Big Papas BIG FEET

Loving life right now

Cheers 😘 M

Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Elms Thai Transportation

I don't think I have enough vocabulary to describe all of today so this is a 2 part series. The first part of the day was a once in a lifetime adventure. The second part of the day I hope to repeat often :). Erin too!  Who am I kidding I think all the Elms will repeat the second half of our day.  Omg!  Is all I can say. Definitely my kids learned why the US is #1 in animal protection and conservation. 

Part 1
Today we called it E day. Something we have talked about doing since we knew we were moving to Thailand, ride Elephants. I am not sure I can do justice with describing the moment but I will do my best. The 6 of us are picked up this morning in a van. We are driven to I really have no idea where but it was not far. Out of the van we walk up to this open looking market with lots of people, no one speaks any English. Following this very tall, skinny militia looking Thai who leads us to where we pay then swiftly leads us basically to the front of the line where we are pushed and shoved (not to rudely where you would want to punch the guy but just enough to get us where we need to go without having to speak to us since no one speaks any English) to where we should get in line to ride an elephant. The 6 of us split up into pairs and board our elephants. First off these animals are huge and so very gentle. My elephant was pregnant. A guide rides on his neck and we ride in a bench on the back. Every step I felt like the bench was going to slide down the side of the elephant and I was going to be hanging onto the side of the animal with Walter atop of me but it never happened, basically a very uneasy feeling.  Jack is not speechless often and this was one case where he didn't say a word but his eyes said it all, a bit scared, excited and overwhelmed. 
We rode for about an hour. All through what felt like the jungle but I know it wasn't because we rode past 2 roads, a development where they are building houses and who knows what.  My kids did not say much. We had some guy come out of his hut and try to tell us/sell us something, who knows what.  Walter and I had the sales man guide. He was hilarious and knew very basic English and I use the word basic loosely. He knew America #1, big papa (which is what he called Walter) and big baht tip. Baht being the word for dollar.  Oh and iPhone which he took mine and continued to take about 40 pictures of us and the kids also I believe he called his mother and posted on FB about the stupid Americans riding his elephant.  Lol   He was a very animated guy who had a routine and I'm sure thats why they put Walter and I with him.  Remember big baht tip, hence the word tip, as part of his vocab. 

As we were getting off the elephant we became part of the show and all these people started taking our pictures. I would like to believe it is because of our rare beauty and grace but unfortunately I know better. I believe it was because of our very white skin our so different eyes, and the way we speak. Several people were taking our pictures. So very strange and really not much you could do.  This place was a zoo and I don't mean this literally, though it had crocodiles, a tiger, which sadly I believe was very drugged, cock fights and a gun range. Doesn't every animal park have a gun range?  Let me tell you this was an adventure a very strange adventure I might add and we all agreed it wasn't one we need to repeat but we were all glad we did it. 
I think it took until we were back in our van heading home that my kids spoke, and we all know that that is a shock in itself. 

Fun fact for the day:  Elephants are pregnant for 2 years.  I would not have made a good elephant. 

This is what we rode through

This is supposedly the guides house but who knows. He could have told us anything and we would believed him. Remember TIP was part of his vocab. Though people did live in these. 

Us on our elephants. My elephant couldn't be near Erin and Andrews elephant because supposedly they partook in Thai boxing, which means they didn't get along

Big Papa!!!

Yep those are crocodiles.  They had in a nicer home than some of the people.

I have no idea of the purpose of the bag hanging over the table but thought it was very odd and needed to take a picture of it. 

For those curious, the elephants were Asian elephants.  Maybe us living in Thailand might be a clue about that too.  How you can tell the difference between Asian and African is in the ears. Asian elephants have smaller ears. 


Part 2 tomorrow

Friday, July 26, 2013


Registered at the hospital today. It is a necessary thing to do when living here. I guess it guarantees that you will be treated if you are registered. Also will help you get a doctor that speaks the same language as us. The hospital was like a first class hotel. Everything was beautiful and soooo clean. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the atrium, all marble flooring. Giant vases with flowers were on each floor. My kids were enamored by the carts with fresh water on them. They each must have drank 3 cups of water. The cups looked like clear yogurt cups with a cellophane top that you popped a straw into. These carts were on every floor for anyone to take. Not something we would see in the states. All signs were in English and Thai. It looked like they had waiting rooms for many different nationalities. Turns out you go to the hospital for everything not just emergencies. Sorry no pictures. I just wasn't sure how that would go over. Just trying to show a little respect now and again. 😜
With the Erin's health lately I was glad to have registered as soon as we got here. Who knows when I will have to take her.  Hopefully later rather than sooner.  Now lets just hope I can drive her there.  Driving lessons start next week for me. 

We checked in on the house we are renting. It had been cleaned but I think the geckos thought it was for them. Fresh poop was on the window sill. Im not afraid of them I'm sure Sparky will show them who is  boss. Just hope they don't become part of her diet like the flies are in MI. 
I'm a little concerned with the washer/dryer. Yes it is a combo unit, never seen that before, it washes and dries. This thing is sooooo small. Of course, this is something I should have complained about BEFORE we rented the house as I was so gently reminded by Walter. Looks like we may be buying our own washer. 
Kids were excited about their rooms. Jack was just happy to have a really big bed. I am really interested in how much that boy is going to really sleep in it and not on Andrews floor. He is not one for sleeping by himself often. He always ends up on someone's floor. 
Our air shipment shipped. I'm hoping we get it August 1 which is when Sparky shows up. Not sure how she will feel being in the house by herself.  Guess we will figure that out next week. ☺ 


View from our hotel room

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Roller Coaster

The anticipation of riding a roller coaster is like nothing else for some. You may have thought about it for days or have planned for months. Once at the park you quickly get to the ride then stand in line sometimes for hours. All with excitement and the thrill of being thrown into the unknown. The final moment arrives and finally the time has come to get on. Whatever type of safety harness straps you in and then in the final moments before takeoff about to be expelled into the air....... Your brain takes over and you want to scream WAIT!!!  With thoughts of changing your mind because reality has become real and now your scared of the what ifs..  

Today was my roller coaster ride. I got on the airplane and doubts started creeping into my head being scared of the what ifs. Of course it was to late but those feelings were very real. Being a somewhat rational person I didn't succumb to my fears, plus I would have scared the sh..... out of my kids 😳. Instead I took a deep breath and reminded myself of one of my favorite quotes. 
"Surrender to what is
Let go of what was
Have faith in what will be".       Sonia Ricotti

Let the ride begin!

Welcome to Thailand. 

We are here safe and sound. Even the driver or 2 drivers ( since we had 22 bags) drove without scaring us to death. We are back at the Amari which the kids are psyched about. It is now 4am and jet lag has begun.  We don't move into our house until next week. A week at the Amari I'm not sure I can handle it 😜. The swim up bar is calling my name.   


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dear Sparky

I am sorry that we have to leave you but Nikki will take really good care of you. You have 1 week to rest up and play with the other dogs. Don't be to scared on your long flight I know it's not easy. Now that you have been picked, poked, stamped and certified you are ready to be a Thai dog. I promise I won't let anyone eat you. We will see you in a week. Be a good dog. I will have a tennis ball for you on the other side. 
August 1 is when you arrive. We will be waiting. 
Miss you Sparky 
Your Family

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Michigan Adventures

No time like the present to try to and see as much of Michigan as we can before we jet off on our big adventure.  We have gone and done more things in this last month.  We just got back from Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, the U.P, Mackinaw Island, and Tahquemenon Falls.  Incredible five days of sights.  Who knew MI had so much to offer.  I was able to put my feet in 3 of the Great Lakes.  I would have made my mom proud had she seen me reading all the informational signs and googling stuff.  I know more about the UP than ever.  I actually know what the UP is now.  ;)

Leaving gives you this great need to get everything in.  We have tried to see so much, go places we have never been and spend time with as many of our family and friends as possible.  Wish we were able to see everyone. 

Who knew living in Michigan would produce such great friendships for both our kids and Walter and I.  Sometimes I feel fortunate to have moved so often just because of the friends we have made in so many places.  It is hard to leave but we look forward to the adventure ahead. 

 Overlooking Tahquemenon Falls
 At the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island
 Mackinaw Bridge
Steps to Sleeping Bear Dunes

Lower Tahquemenon Falls

View at Dinner / Lake Michigan