Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Thai Style

October 31 is just another day in Thailand. We farangs (foreigners) always find a way to have some fun.  Halloween was celebrated at a neighborhood close to school where many of our friends live. 

Pumpkins are a luxury and one we do without. That's about $100 US. Yikes. 

Last night was all about the trunk or treat. We were a very popular car giving out American candy that I brought back from the states. 

It's 90* so our army boys really can't be to bothered to fully costume themselves. Oh and that cool age of 12 and 14 might have something to do with that too. 

Andrew, Jack and some of their friends 

Send the kiddies home and the adults will play. After party with a very cool ice bar. 
Walter loves a good ice bar. 

Cheers from the other side. 
M 😘

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thailand adventure ending soon

6 more weeks and we will no longer call Thailand home. We are moving back to Michigan. 

This is one place I will miss, the Amari for lunch with Thai noodle soup, a cold San Miguel lite and a beautiful view.