Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Feeling the Love

Overwhelmed by the amount of support I received in December for Maggie's Milk Money. I don't even know where to begin to thank those who "blindly" supported me. I don't have official numbers yet. Accounting needs to be updated but I know that I have surpassed my goal by huge numbers. How lucky for me to have people who trust my experience and are willing to donate their hard earned money for children who tugged at my heart. I will now be able to up my milk donation from 2 days a week to 3 days and for longer than a year. My goal was 90000 baht (baht is Thai dollars) roughly $2750 US dollars. Early indicators have put me at just in December alone roughly around $5000 US dollars / 164500 baht!!!
WOW!  I almost doubled my goal can you now understand my overwhelming gratitude. I wish I could personally thank all that donated. But hopefully people will pass along my blog so everyone can see how incredible you are for supporting me. My appreciation runs over. 

The women of Women With a Mission are dumbfounded. I just told them I had awesome people in my life. How lucky am I. 

Thanks to my parents who supported, donated and encouraged but also asked their friends to donate and thanks to my extended family who also donated. Thanks to All that wrote letters expressing encouragement. Never have I done anything like this before but wow how great it is to be supported and encouraged, the emotion I feel is overwhelming. 

The biggest Thanks goes to my sister Betsy and Matt without them this number would never have been so big. To be honest I have to give them all the credit. The amount of money that was raised really says nothing of me but of them. I feel completely honored that they trust and chose what I felt so passionate about to be the receipient of their fundraiser but it really shows their character and how much their community, neighborhood, friends and family feel about them. They are definitely loved and respected. Matt and Betsy hosted a "Got Milk?" Holiday Party before they came to Thailand. They had over 180 guests come to their home. Betsy and Matt provided appetizers and cocktails then asked their guest to make a donation in my honor. It was a smashing success with over $4000 US dollars raised in their very own home and I think a little fun was had by all. Wow now that is impressive. This was all presented to me at Christmas as a surprise. I was speechless and I do believe some happy tears were shed. I was needless to say a bit overwhelmed. 

As for now I am working on details on how all this money will be properly distributed. I'm closely working with WWM on making sure the funds and milk storage is secure. I will also take a little bit of the money and buy mugs so each child has one and no more drinking out of the silver dog bowls with spoons. I'm trying to find a weekend to go back up there but it's not easy with 3 kids in school plus activities and a husband who travels for work constantly.  Rosy from WWM will be heading up there in February and will give me an update plus take all the milk and cups I have bought here. 

Thanks again to all who supported. None of this could have been possible without your help. Hopefully one day when back in the states I will be able to personally give everyone a great BIG hug but for now remember you have a made this girl smile BIg!  

Maggie's Milk Money has been a SUCCESS!  Thanks for making that happen. 

         GOT MILK?  Yes I DO!

Much love
Cheers from the other side
😘 M

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