Wednesday, January 14, 2015

You think you've seen it all then......

Seriously I have become so immune to living in Thailand that nothing can really shock me anymore and then life throws a curve ball and once again I'm put back in my place to let me know that Nope I really haven't seen it all. 

Today I bought meat from a man wearing only his undies. Yep you read that right. Seriously I have pictures to prove. Got to love an iPhone with no sound so you can snap away without people realizing your taking their picture. Im sure that I was breaking some sort of law somewhere by doing that but I could not pass up the opportunity to share this absolutely hysterical situation. 

I have eaten this mans sausages before. Even typing that doesn't seem right. Let me give you the back ground story. 

My Aussie girlfriend is married to a South African. He loves his Boerewors (sounds better than me calling it sausage when I've bought it from a almost naked man). Boerewors is what South Africans call sausage.  He cooks it on the braai (grill).

You find most good things here through word of mouth and this guy was recommended to her. At her house for a barbecue she served Boerewors and they were delicious. I had asked her when she went again I wanted to go and buy some myself. 

Today she and I were out and she said she had to go visit her sausage man and did I want to go. Always up for an adventure, Of course I wanted to go. Oh was I in for a treat. She warned me a little but when someone tells you he will be in his underware selling us the sausages you don't really think he will be in HIs Boxers with no shirt. Thank goodness they were not tighty whities. 

It took everything in me to not giggle the entire time I was in his shop. Could barely understand the man with his heavy South African accent. 

By the way he was a lovely man who of course after the meat transaction I gave him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. Gotta a love a man selling meat in his undies. 

Excuse the finger in the pic. I was trying to be discrete. 

He's weighing our purchases 

Very very clean shop

My girlfriend giving him a quick cuddle before we leave. 

The street where he lived. Who would know a very successful meat distributor lived here who supplied Pattaya and Bangkok with South African meat. 

Let me tell you Steff and I had a huge laugh after we left. 

Cheers from the other side
😘 M

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