Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Maggie ~ Thankful that my Big Papa is home.

Walter ~ Thankful that our sea shipment showed up today. 

Erin ~ Thankful that I have made new friends and have plans with them this weekend. 

Andrew ~ Thankful that I have a new trampoline to jump on. 

Jack ~ Thankful that I have friends to play with at school. 

From Jack "here is some advice from our new school: never say eraser say rubber, never say trash say rubbish and never ever say soccer say football!"

Into the house that joy lives, happiness will truly come  ~ Japanese Proverb
(*Thanks Leigh)

😘 M

PS Thanks for all the awesome feedback. We really appreciate it and like that we can provide some form of entertainment for you and a window into our crazy life. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mixed reviews

First day of school and the reviews are in, a super happy kid, one who has 4 friends and the other - it was just okay and wouldn't care if they stayed home with me tomorrow and didn't return. Can you guess who is who?  Erin, Jack, and Andrew in that order. Erin loves it, has made some friends and seems to be the one who the IB students are all talking about (all in a good way). 

The IB program is divided into 6 classes that the student studies intensively for 2 years. Those 6 classes are divided into high level and standard level. You have to take 3 HL and 3 SL. She has chosen which classes she will study, the math is the only one she is struggling with whether its HL or SL. Today they told her she needs to go to HL math.  She is the only girl along with 7 Korean boys. Needless to say she was intimidated. When the teacher asked her where she was from and she answered America (that is how we are defined, no one understand United States or US, actually I have found people looking at me weird when I say I'm from the US much less Michigan) the boys all turned around and were like how did an American girl get in this class.  One of the boys has already befriended her and offered to be her tutor. Funny. Like I said before I think she will be just FINE! 

Jack liked his teacher. He came home with a British accent. ;)  He made some friends one of which is another Jack who is also new to the school and in his class. This kid is either from the UK, Ireland, Britain or somewhere he has no idea.  Boy I really need to work on geography with these kids.
All the important stuff, recess etc, was good for Jack except lunch. He just didn't like it. I told him to give it time. He said mom they only serve rice. I know for a fact that they serve more than rice but I guess that's all he recognized at that moment. 

Andrew is going to take some time. He is definitely more my quiet introverted one. He does like his classes and started Thai today. He is also taking Mandarin. Why?  The only answer I can give is -that is just Andrew. He walks to his own drum beat. He is also my kid who seems to have the best of friends once he makes them. Something about Andrew draws kids in. He had a kid today alway seeking him out and trying to include him. Like I said Andrew makes his own rules. 

Me - usually I jump for joy on the first day back to school ( okay don't judge, I know most moms secretly love when summer comes but by the end are totally ready to have some free time to themselves again and know there will be food in the fridge when they come home in the afternoon)
Today was different. Besides the horrible butterflies I had in my stomach and the glitch in the school van pickup. Yes they were eventually picked up but not until I was driving halfway out of the neighborhood and the kids yelling at me that this was NOT how they wanted the first day to begin. They were gone. 

I came into my empty strange (still feels like a strangers house without our stuff) house and really wanted to cry or crack a beer. I really couldn't decide but it was only 7:30am and I didn't think I needed to start another habit. I really didn't know what to do with myself. I have spent everyday with my kids morning, noon and night since July 23. Also I had the driver showing up in 30 minutes and no where to go. I have a love hate relationship with this driver thing. Thankfully a new friend texted me asking if I wanted to go to a Yoga class. Hello if you know me I am not a Yoga person and have never taken a Yoga class. Maybe this was the call I needed. Not having worked out in a month makes me feel like Honey Boo Boos mom, so basically desperate, I will do almost anything to get out of the house and do something different. I went to the class. The instructor I swear is an ex Bollywood dancer. No man should be able to put his legs where this man could. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what he was saying and he was speaking English (I think). ;) I  am sure I looked like one of those transformer figures that my boys used to play with, they would try to manipulate the parts into movements but the plastic is to hard and if you pushed to hard on the thing the leg/arm/head would pop off because it isn't supposed to bend that far. Yep that was me. Best thing I ever did. Saved me from years of Betty Ford. Can't wait to go back!

😘 M

Official photo of the first day of school. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Unofficial First Day

Unofficial first day of school was a success, well we all survived and that's what is important.  The official day is tomorrow but we got over the first day jitters, almost.  Erin and Andrew had orientation, Jack was meet the teacher.  All had a bit of the stomach butterflies this morning, me having them the worst.  I hate seeing my kids nervous and wish I could make it easier.  Nothing worse than seeing your kids by themselves with no one around.  I know it is temporary but wish I could fast forward a month so everyone feels comfortable. Unfortunately this comes with the territory of moving. 

The kids are going to a British International School.  They all speak funny and spell words wrong.  LOL, okay I am kidding but I do have the occasional need/desire to correct their spelling.  Funny we all speak English but there are words they use that I have no idea what they mean. 
My kids are in years not grades. They no longer have teachers they have tutors.  We don't wear sneakers we wear trainers.  It isn't programs it is programmes and we don't organize we organise.  I am so excited for them to take on this educational experience.  This school is so fabulous and I feel very fortunate that my kids have this opportunity. It is not just the education level which is top notch but the extracurricular opportunities they will have.  Jack being year 6 will go for 6 nights up north to the providence of Chiang Mai to stay at a camp and hike through the foothills to stay with the Thai tribal children.  That is just cool.  Well of course I think so, I'll ask him what he thinks after he goes.  :)

A campus view of the kids school from the "football" field

Andrew's only complaint is that many people confuse him for Eastern European, it must be that Norwegian in him.  His blond hair and blue eyes have all the Russians wanting to speak to him.  I told them don't worry they just think your cute.  He did not like that answer. 

Of course my kids will probably be on Sally Jesse Raphael to scream at me for all this moving and how I have screwed up their life but for now I will believe it is the best for them, I think, I will let you know when they hit 25.  ;)

Erin in her smart business attire, Andrew in his uniform and Jack the lucky one didn't have to wear his cute plaid shorts, which Andrew likes to tease him and call it a skirt, Nice brother!.  More official pics tomorrow.


Other Elms news: Walter got Ryan moved in. ( I got over my sadness, can you believe we still have food  in our house after the weekend, that never happens with Ryan here ;).  So far Ryan's room mate is a no show.  He may end up with a single.  He is happy and it could be the new bachelor pad.  Scary!  Of course when they facetimed me no bed was made and no cute things hung on the wall but the computer and wifi were working, the TV was hooked up and xbox was working like a dream.  Life of a college boy with no mother there.  He has good food, a safe for his stuff and Walter bought him a hang out chair for the pad.  Life is good at MSU!

Our Thailand world is getting bigger.  We are the adventurist these days.  A driver has made it very nice and easy to explore.  Most grocery stores have been discovered.  Who knew that Thailand had so many in such a small radius.  I am finding most anything I want, reading labels are still tricky.  Today we went to another mall.  I am telling you this move is a costly one with all the shopping we are doing.  ;)  This mall was great but deadly.  It sits right on the Bay of Thailand, it even has a Gap (which prices were outrageous even more than the US).  On the 3rd floor there is the food court which overlooks the bay.  This is a little different from the typical food courts of the US.  I can sit and drink beer, wine, Coco Loco, or Singapore Sling, just to name a few.  Can you imagine the purchases I would make after having a few cocktails. 

Last Friday as a end of summer lets get crazy day, the kids and I decided to really go out of our comfort zone and explore.  Tripadvisor has been a great tool for me.  Trying to do something different then the usual exploration of another grocery store, kids are a little tired of "lets see if they have chicken carcasses hanging around and  how fishy smelling is this store".  I chose Tripadvisors #6 best rated places to go in Pattaya, the Khao Kheow Open Zoo.  This was about a 45 minute drive from where we live.  Your thinking so, but when you live in another country, you don't speak a word of the language, your a total minority and your Big Papa is out of the country your just a little hesitant to take an adventure out of your comfort zone.  This was truly a test. The kids were pumped to go.  Opening my big mouth about this place how could I deny.  Having a driver does give you a little sense of security so away we went.  I figured we could drive out there and if it was bad turn around.

Well, this zoo is now listed as #1 on Tripadvisor after my review.   This zoo was fantastic.  I can't say enough.  What fun we had.  You rent a golf cart and drive yourself around the zoo.  We fed so many animals.  It was an absolutely beautiful zoo and the animals were so well taken care of.  Erin, Andrew, Jack and I had never been so close and feed so many different animals.  The wild monkeys that roam the zoo were a huge hit.  They jump on your golf cart trying to steal anything they can grab.  The day couldn't have been more fun for us and gave us all a boost in our confidence about living in Thailand. 

The paparazzi didn't disappoint either, Erin and Jack were stalked by some children and the teachers wanted pictures of them with their students. It really is weird being the minority.  Erin said now I know how the animals feel.   

This guy is wanting to jump on our golf cart.
Yes the orangutan is real.

I got cool mom of the day award from my boys because we drove around in a golf cart at the zoo.

Funny story of the day:  After orientation today I go to meet up with Erin.  Seeing many year 12's leaving with their books I head over to where they are being let out.  Not seeing Erin, Jack and I hang around some tables waiting.  I see several girls walking out together but no Erin.  After several minutes I take a seat at the table dreading her coming out thinking she is probably really unhappy and maybe all alone.  Sitting at this table I notice some students sitting close to me with this girls back to me and some very cute boys talking to her.  I think to myself, hopefully soon Erin will be that girl and have lots of friends and cute boys talking to her.  About 15 minutes pass with me sitting at this table waiting, panic starts to set in wondering where she is.  Noticing again this table of students that are completely enjoying themselves something seems familiar about this girl.  OMG, it is Erin!  She had been sitting near me the entire time chatting so casually with these 2 boys.  All attention was on her.  She was happy as a clam and had no idea that I was even on the grounds of the school.  Worried? I am no longer, this girl is going to be just FINE!!!

BTW  Erin is the only American in year 12 and 13 in her school.  She is like a celebrity. 


Last but not least Elms news:

We might be getting the rest of our shipment this week.  YAHOO!!

Walter comes home late Wednesday night (our time).  We can't wait!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dollar Store Heaven or Hell / You decide

The secret is out, Erin and I have been to the Thailand dollar store warehouse.  Seriously we have discovered where they buy all the tchotchkes for that store.  It was a warehouse full of sh.... Okay crap. Of course Erin and I couldn't resist, we bought. Lol

The driver started today. We have a driver, who would have ever thought. Today was a day of uncomfortableness. (Give me time I'm sure I will get accustomed to it) I have this man that sits outside my house in my carport with absolutely nothing to do if he isn't driving us anywhere.  He does clean the car though, which is nice.  Think about how much your car sits around not driven then add a man who you pay to drive that car.  First day and I'm struggling with paying for a person who is not doing much of anything plus worried about him being bored, (This is just my personality, my kids keep reminding me he is being paid to be bored). (I bought him a donut at the grocery store because I felt bad he had to wait, yes he already thinks I'm crazy)

Stress is creeping in, I have a man sitting outside my house. I am now feeling the need to go out. Where to go?  Of course, we need a table and chair so he has some where to sit when not driving us anywhere so I don't feel guilty for him not taking us anywhere. Ahhhhhh. This gives me reason to go out. Asking him where to get this he drives us and this is where he takes us, Dollar store hell. 

I think I spend more money feeling bad about him sitting at home doing nothing than if I didn't have a driver at all because the guilt has set in needing somewhere to go which all I know at this point is shopping. Crazy!

  I am helping the Thailand economy. 

Wooden figures anyone?

Rows upon rows of sh.........t.  Doesn't everyone have a need for light blue or pale pink plastic plates?

Anyone in need of a plastic wrap Thai baby or a giant plastic glow worm for their lawn?

Erin and I made it out of there with about 7$ worth of stuff.  We were lucky. ;).
 Unfortunately I did not buy a table and chair and my poor driver has another day of just sitting in the car waiting around for me. 
Pressure is on, where do I go tomorrow?

Ryan is leaving tonight. With their flight leaving at 4:55am Walter and Ryan have to leave the house at 1am. Tough day for me but hopefully happy for him. Foot massage was in order, can't leave Thailand without one. Dinner at Khun Johns because where is the best place to have Thai food but Thailand. Christmas count down has begun. I'm going to miss this kid.

Ryan's future is so bright, we gotta wear shades!!  Michigan State here he comes!

Okay Ray Bans are really cheap at the market. We couldn't resist. Lol

😘 M

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Poker Face

What does one do when the wifi Is down and you live in a foreign country with nothing to do?  We play poker. 

The kids and I have played more cards than I care to admit. The house today was full of workers so we couldn't leave. We usually start our day out with a little gin rummy or casino but this afternoon boredom really set in. We were tired of the same old card games we have played for the past month. Swimming was done and so the 5 of us sat around the table looking to one another for entertainment. I had nothin for them, without Internet what else was there to do? ( you can only read so many books)

My family has a tradition of playing poker during family vacations. My kids have seen their share of poker games and even partaken in a few games themselves but they have been bugging me to share more of the family poker games we play. Today was the day. 

The Bean Championship of Poker was begun tonight!  ( Not enough bhat so we played with dried kidney beans, hey don't judge what I brought into this country, lol) We played poker for about 5 hours today with Andrew and Ryan being the winners. Andrew the main Bean Head!  

This was Andrews reaction from winning

Andrew: Does Ryan leave tomorrow
Us: yes, answering with sad faces
Andrew: (to Ryan) can I have all your beans

To much fun!

😘 M

So serious

Erin losing a hand after she obviously thought she should have won!

Sad fact: Ryan leaves in 1 day. 😢

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just regular

When the crazy starts to be recognized as normal then we know life goes on.  This weekend was just a regular weekend. Out with some new friends for dinner on Saturday, Walter worked on Sunday and family dinner Sunday night. All good in everyone's book. I won a little in our Thailand tournament in cards but Andrew seems to have picked up a lucky streak and has won the most. 

Tomorrows decision is do I need a driver or not?  

😘 M

Thailand Fun Fact: Thailand is slightly larger than the size of Wyoming at 198,115 square miles (513,115 sq km).g

Sad Fact: Ryan leaves in 3 days :(

Erin is the latest with the stomach bug. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


A life so young released to heaven,  
left on Earth we wonder why,
But some are sent among us briefly "Some have spirits meant to fly"
 ~ unknown Author

Today is my niece Madeline's 23rd birthday, she left this earth a year ago June. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her in some way. She would have approved of our adventure to Thailand. Tonight we went to The Blue Goat for dinner and to the Gas Station with the Lady in the Blue House for drinks. Both of which she would have totally approved and we honored her memory. 

😘 M

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Erin: Thankful for another week of summer before school starts.

Jack: Thankful for my brothers and sister who have played with me these last couple weeks of summer. 

Maggie: Thankful for my Ipad that enables me to stay connected to family and friends back home. 

Andrew: Thankful that he didn't have to make his bed today. Thanks Khun Pien!
He added this later in the day ~ Thankful that his dad will do anything to make him happy!!  
Hello XBOX Live!

Ryan: Thankful that he ordered all his books and has everything ready for college. 

Walter: Thankful that his son Ryan is extremely knowledgeable in IT!  

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.
~ Brian Tracy

😘 M

Sometimes it's the simple things

Shopping for groceries is quite an experience. You can either chose the more modern route by visiting an actual store or you can seek out the many many many open markets.  I have been sticking to the safe route of going to the store but just recently went into the world of the wet market (or as my boys like to refer to it as the stinky market) where you'll find the freshest seafood you'll ever find.  The wet market is for another blog day. 

Tesco Lotus, the store that I have frequented more than I care to, resembles a Walmart, though not in the same ranking to resemble a Target. Target is a much higher standard in my mind. Tesco carries everything and nothing. Why, well you can't read anything. It is all characters. Sometimes I feel like an adult who can't read. Thank goodness for pictures. It takes forever to go through the store. You pick up, touch and look at everything. I think that's why I'm in the store for hours plus there are hoards of people. They bus them in on greyhound type buses. We escaped the other day by seconds as they were unloading hundreds of people. Why, I have no idea what the draw is. 

To find an item in English at this store is like opening exactly what you wanted on Christmas. Your so joyful you can read it you buy it anyway even if it is denture cream. 

Walter and I ordering meat the other day was a game of charades. Sometimes you loiter around the counters to see if anyone speaks even a fraction of English. This man at the deli counter was speaking to the women behind the counter in English and she seemed to understand. Great I say to myself,  today we try deli meat. I listen to this man and now Walter and I are prepared. We don't want to order to much because who the hell knows what it will taste like.  The man ordering was either German or Russian figuring he knew what he was doing I followed his lead. We ordered German salami, no problem, 1/2 kilo. Now we want ham but again don't know how it will taste so we only want 1/4 kilo. Walter is using all types of charades to get this poor deli worker to understand 1/4 kilo. Hilarious, if you could have seen us. We are gesturing with our hands like scissors. We know she understands 1/2 so we are saying 1/2 of 1/2. We look ridiculous and the workers are trying not to laugh at us. This woman says finally 250, Walter laughs slaps his head and says yes. See I never paid much attention to math in grammar school so I never would have known that but Walter the engineer was like duh!   

Searching through the aisles can be a daunting task. Looking at labels and trying to find ingredients that I'm use to. Creative cooking has taken on a new meaning. Sometimes you just have to give up on what you want.  I am missing lemons. Such a simple thing I know. 

Today was a nice day. I actually ventured out with my little boys (not little anymore at 12 and 10 but cant stop myself from referring to them as that) and met some new people. It was nice to talk to other moms again. On our way home the woman I was with wanted to stop at one of the local markets (kind of like a little grocery store). I am always up for going to new places. My world is slowing expanding. I had heard about this market but had never gone so I was excited. I walk in and am quite surprised by the cleanliness and variety. There are quite a few expats in this area so that does explain it. Expats mean $$$$$. As I walked in towards the little produce stand the sky got a little brighter, LEMONS!  I was thrilled. Can you imagine being so excited over something so small. Sometimes it is the small things in life that make you the happiest, especially in a foreign country. I love ice tea, I love ice tea with lemons. With the 500 boxes of tea that I brought with me I can now have ice tea with lemon.
(Walter did have to remind me that we are in an Asian country and they are known for their tea so I probably didn't have to bring any, oh plhhhhhh to him). Lol

Ryan news: he is feeling much better, leaving in 7 days :(

Erin's burn: healing, she is getting better

Walter news: He got pulled over by the cops today. Yup, he is alway one to be marked in these foreign countries. He has no idea why he was pulled over. The police here station themselves in places and just pull people over. Of course the cop walks up to him says something he has no idea what, Walter hands over his MI license. The cop is yelling at him something which he says sounded like CONFIRM, CONFIRM, Walter obviously has no idea what that means. (I said are you sure he wasn't saying BAHT BAHT.) Walter pulls the car over and gets out. Telling me this I'm like WHAT are you crazy. If it had been me I would probably start crying or something. Anyway Walter gets out, now remember Walter is a white Godzilla here. He said the men weren't even as tall as me.  Walter starts shoving his international drivers license in the guys face and says loudly ( though this really doesn't make someone who doesn't speak the same language understand you any better) "This is legal". Looking up at Walter the officer hands him back both licenses and waves him off.  Walter gets back in his car and drives away. He was so proud that he didn't hand over any baht ($). Which we do keep 400 baht in the car for this reason. 
I'm just glad I didn't have to go loony on anyone at the Thai police station to get my husband back. ;) Lol

😘 M

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Garage, The Old Lady and Mantra

No I am not starting to write nursery rhymes these are names of some of the restaurants that we have eaten at in Thailand. Seriously I kid you not.  Well, The Garage and The Old Lady are nicknames. Turns out we have no idea what they are named just what we refer to them as.   Since July 9th we have eaten out for every meal. Can you imagine.  Thats a lot of restaurants. In the states it was the usual places with Fletcher's being our fav for wing night!  Come to Thailand and now you are dependent on recommendations by the hotel, Tripadvisor, or friends ( something that we lack in right now).  You want to be adventurous but know you have to be careful. We have been lucky though having some built in friends from Big K to show us around. I don't think you will find The Garage or The Old Lady listed on tripadvisor. 

Never having been to Thailand before  I was not very familiar with Thai food. Well if you haven't had it find yourself a restaurant and try it. Some of the most incredible food I have ever eaten. You do have to be careful there is nothing like Thai spice.  Not all dishes are hot and the nice thing is that most restaurants will ask your preference of hot. 

We have had our share of fine dining, Mantra being one of those places. Food was great but usually that's the expectation and why you go there. Also to pay an absorbent amount of money. No complaints there. 

Have you ever driven up to a garage where there are cars parked next to the tables and thought "where the hell are we and are we seriously going to eat here" oh sorry, that was just me.  This was our restaurant, The Garage.  I still haven't quite figured out how one would choose to go to a place like this and expect great food but then again I haven't lived here for very long. I'm hoping to figure that out eventually. So we went and we ate and ate and ate. It was fantastic. 
A man drives up on his bike with his cart attached ( this is a normal site) and sells us crickets and well, tries to sell us dried frogs. My brave Ryan and Erin eat crickets. They are actual crickets. Ewwww you say, yup my thoughts too.  
A woman drives up and the kids get ice cream. 
The people who own/run the restaurant cook the meal in their very own family kitchen with the father inspecting all the dishes as they are brought out to us. 
We will be return customers. 

Here is The Garage, check out the napkin holder ~ yep it's toilet paper inside. That is a typical napkin holder found in all restaurants. 
A sign you see at all the best eateries. ;) Here it was at The Garage. I actually have seen this sign at quite a few restaurants. Comforting I know. 

This was the guy on the motor bike selling the crickets and frogs. Isn't this how one would buy their bugs and frogs if one was looking to eat this stuff. 

This is the front of The Garage, wouldn't you just be racing to go here if you found it in your neighborhood. Ironic that the health sign is upside down. 

The Old Ladies is another fine establishment we go to. Actually we have been twice and I will continue to go back. The food is awesome. The surroundings are even better. Lets see if I can do it justice with describing it. Put a few tables right next to the street cover it with a blue tarp and stick a name on it. You've got yourself a store front, get a few refrigerator coolers, also hang a flat screen and your all set.  Your next door neighbors are all right next divided by a small ally that leads to these peoples houses and the bathroom which is basically a hole in the ground with a european toilet over it ( did you realize that the toilets we have been using are not US toilets. The Europeans are given credit for all toilets here) Needless to say we don't use the toilet very often at the Old Ladies and not because they call them European toilets. They can call them whatever they want, Erin and I call them gross)

Both sides of the old ladies are open air restaurants. We show up and the old lady, yep she is the reason why its called The Old Ladies, is so excited she bends over backwards to get us whatever we want.   There are no menus we (term used lightly because we dont speak Thai, Anchan does the honors for us) order food and the old lady goes next door to her neighbors and buys his food then serves us on her own plates. Seriously this is how it is. She only sells beer and soda but we sit at her place because she has the best service. Don't ask because I don't. I just show up knowing it will be an experience. Seriously the food is great. We order barbecue which we cook ourselves. We fight over this food, my kids included. Your question might be why don't you just go the place next door and just get served there. Again I have No idea. 

Entertainment is easy to come by at The Old Ladies just by watching the streets. We play guess the gender?  Gay or straight? Venders come by selling everything and anything, shoes, hair clips and stuff, awesome pretzels, these weird bamboo filled with rice and dried fruits, negligee. All things that any fine establishment sells, right?  ;)
World class education is what we are giving our kids. 

If I told you the pricee of what we paid for these dinners for 8 people you wouldn't believe me. Cheap doesn't even come close. 

What you see there are the actual barbecues. Typical Thai style barbecues. They are a million degrees The meat sits on the top and water is filled in around it which comes to a boil and we cook our noodles, vegetables and spices. It is so delish!

Jack getting the chicken and pork ready to cook on the barbecue. 

We have had some great restaurant experiences. You can get almost any kind of food in Pattaya. Havanas is our go to restaurant when we are looking for some pizza and salad. Not all restaurants are like the Old Lady and Garage but we feel extremely lucky that we have gotten to experience these places. I know we will go back.

Here is one of my favorite meals from one of my other favorite restaurants Khun Johns.  
Coconut Green Curry Chicken. It is Yum!
Yep it's even served in a coconut. Steamed rice comes on the side. 

 Our days of restaurant eating have been reduced thank goodness. It is nice to be able to cook at home. Grocery shopping is fun, I use that term loosely but that will be another blog.  We eat lots of seafood. Creative cooking is what I call it. So far no complaints, yet!  

Elms daily news: Never dull in this house
Ryan has been sick for a few days. He is getting better. It has been a stomach bug not sure if its been from food or what.  At all the restaurants you eat family style so we all have had the same food and he is the only one so not sure on that one. 
9 days until he leaves. :(

Erin suffers from a 2nd degree burn on her leg. She has a nasty quarter size blister from scalding water. She and the water cooler went at it while she was getting water for her tea and the cooler Won. She will be fine. Probably will scar.  
Just in case it does scar Erin has decided to come up with a new story just so she doesn't sound like a complete klutz. 
Her story: Erin started chasing the elephant that robbed our house and took Jack. During the wild chase a flaming arrow came flying towards her and in mid flip it grazed her leg. Pushing past her pain she took down the elephant and heroically saved her baby brother. 

I may enter Jack and Andrew into Thai boxing because that seems to be their pastime lately. Driving me up a wall. I WANT XBOX bad in my house!

My maid showed up today. Yipeeeeeeeee!!!! Turns out she will work for me for the rest of the month. She brought her friend with her to see if she would work for me come September. At first Khun Cat ( I swear that's her name) said no way, to big house, to many people, dog, to much work ( all said in Thai accent) but after hanging around us decided we are not so bad and house is not so dirty that she can work. Great now I gotta clean for the maid to come, since I had just picked up the house, done the laundry all weekend and finished washing the dishes because I didn't think a maid was showing today. Great!!!  I will break her in slowly dont want to scare her away too. This maid said she would cook for us. Big thumbs up to that!  

Our Thai Tournaments have begun ~ my kids are beating my butt regularly in cards. I believe I am losing most games. 

😘 M

Sunday, August 11, 2013

22 Boxes

Did you hear us, seriously did you hear us shouting for joy.  Yes they have arrived, our 22 boxes. Who knew 22 boxes could make 6 people so happy. 

Life has been so busy no time to keep up with my blog. I took 3 days off and didn't think that was possible. So much to write. Life is never dull. So many interesting things go on around us. 

Our life of crime has ended. We have returned everything to the Amari. Well almost all just not the TP. We really could have created a bad movie with our antics. I think this beautiful hotel was very worried about these crazy Americans. They even thought we left with out paying the bill. Saturday was our last night in the Amari.  We were at our house and just to tired to return there so we all slept at home, especially since we were so excited to all be together again.  The management thought we ditched the place and sent the maid to look in our rooms and saw that we didn't have anything in our rooms anymore. They were very concerned as you can imagine. ~I am sure they had watched us earlier in the day all go out at different times with our suitcases.  We showed up Sunday morning for one last breakfast on the 19th floor and to check out. Boy were they shocked to see us. This story about them checking on us was told to Walter while he was checking out. We had a really good laugh. I guess us moving there was lost in translation somewhere so they thought the 6 of us were on a very long vacation and couldn't understand our comings and goings. 

The unpacking is done. Beds are made, towels are stored. 6 cups, plates, forks, knives and pots and pans are placed in their spots. I am sure to be changed once I figure out this kitchen arrangement. New drying rack is put together and already drying clothes. This washer/dryer combo unit is turning into a washer only. The dryer takes at least 3 hours to dry anything. Hello, who has 3 hours to dry 3 towels when you have piles of clothes waiting to take their turn in this steel drum of a thing. Seriously it takes 1 hour just to wash clothes and when you have as much stuff to wash as we do laundry is becoming a daily/ hourly occurrence in my house. We are just going to be okay with scratchy towels. Jack has taken up nudeeeeee swimming in our pool. Funny how I seem to be okay with that since it cuts down on my wash. The other kids not so much. They are not happy at all about this new type of swimming by Jack. Jack can clear a pool super quick. 

I did pretty well with the planning of the boxes. Everyone's new bedding looks so cute in their rooms. Of course not everything is perfect. Yep Xbox, anyone who has boys will understand. I thought I packed the transformer (need this for any US appliance because it is 220v)  but it must be in our sea shipment. Unfortunately the Xbox will not work until we get that. Andrew and Jack are not very happy with me. I think they would have done without the cute matching sheets and towels if the Xbox would work. They will have to wait another 2 weeks before that shipment comes. 

My kids are loving the fact that they get to watch any movie that has come out in the states.  GrownUps 2 they saw that. Wolverine, I think it just came out in the theaters very recently, Ryan saw it.  All in the comfort of our own home. Actually someone said that the movies they are watching on DVD's are still only in the movie theaters in the US. Hmmm you ask how is that possible?  Don't ask me I left the life of crime, remember. ;). These people keep seeking us out anywhere we go to sell us DVDs so it must be legal here, right? ;). 

So our maid quit. Already, you say.  She worked for us for 2 days and is done. Turns out we are to much work for her. Really!!!  I have been trying to tell Walter that for years, he just won't let me quit. It is to bad I liked her. She spoke a little English and was very good. I love it when people tell me what I need. 😜  Turns out she said we need a maid 3/4 days a week because "we have to many people, to big house, and dog, lots to do" (Okay now say that in your best Asian accent). So I'm back to finding a new maid. Khun Pien (that's her name) told me I needed a much younger girl for this kind of work. Same thing I have been telling Walter.  

Big Papa has another nickname, Water. Turns out Thai people can't pronounce L's and since they can't pronounce L's they don't hear the L when he says his name. So all over work he is referred to as Water. So when he makes a call at work they programmed the caller ID to come up as Water Elms. Also on his coat that he wears into the plant it says Welms. Again I got lots of material to bust on him regularly. He's a good sport and takes the abuse well. 
So new nickname Big Papa Water Welms.  It fits perfectly!!

Here is a present we were given last night by my new friend Anchan. She's a built in friend because she is a Big K employee. She is super sweet and extremely helpful, also she is Thai. These plants are potted in tree bark. This bark is from a type of palm tree and as the tree grows the bark ages and starts to curl out. The older bark is removed and formed into these pots. Very cool. The plant on the left is Jasmine and smells amazing. The one on the right I can't remember but it is given to people with new houses to bring them good fortune in their home. 

Thai fun fact: Today is the queens birthday.  Queen Sirkikit is 81. It is also Mother's Day here. 

Sad Fact:  Ryan leaves in 10 days. :(

😘 M

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Here is what we are thankful for today.

Walter ~ Thankful that He is finally legal in this country.

Ryan ~ Thankful for the Australian filet he ate last night. 

Maggie ~ Thankful for now driving comfortably in this country and not crashing, hurting or hitting         anyone....... YET!  All those that complained about my aggressive driving in the states. I fit in perfectly here. 😜

Erin ~ Thankful for all the awesome fine dining provided by the Big K.

Jack ~ Thankful for Khun Pien!  (She is our new maid). I'm thankful for her too but we aren't allowed to copy off of each other and he beat me to it but since I write this thing I can cheat. Lol ;). Shhhh don't tell him

Andrew ~ Thankful for having a big king size bed in his new house to sleep in. 

😘 M

We love comments or questions. Please feel free to reply in anyway shape or form unless your complaining about my bad writing. Those complaints you can keep to yourself. ;) JK

Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing here!

Ever have those moments where everything is happening around you and you think, how the hell did I get here. Yep had that today.  Most days I don't even know the day, date, or time. Where is reality?
Day #30 in the hotel but really who is counting. (As I manically LOL). Time is up the Big K says, that's it. We give you only 30 days in a hotel and now you should be able and willing to live on your own in the house we rented you, said no one ever in Thailand that has ever moved here from the US.  

It is official, finally, we are legal!  Woohoo. Seriously!  A big shout out to immigration today in Bangkok. Walter has his work permit and the rest of us tag alongs, well, we cant just be here in this country with him. We can now get our stuff in another 6-7 days. We should have our air shipment by next Tuesday. Seriously next Tuesday. Today is Thursday right? Why they even gave us an air shipment and sea shipment, I'll never know. No one works on the weekends and it is a big holiday Monday. Happy birthday to the Queen, she is 81 in case you were wondering, and its also Mother's Day.  Big discounts all over the country for being a mom. I even got a free pizza the other night. I can get free pizza but not my blankets, towels, 6 cups, 6 plates, 6 knives, forks, and spoons that are trapped somewhere in this country. I swear they are calling for me. Getting A dog into this country is far easier than a bunch of sh.......t. Necessary sh....t though to live in a house I might add. Don't worry you will know when we get our stuff, it will be the big sonic boom you hear across the pond from me jumping for joy. Whoever knew I could get so excited over some plates, cups, and blankets, 

I'm complaining but really I'm not, I still have my beautiful view from the 19th floor in the morning. My kids are happy. This is just a wild ride. Who gets to live this kind of life. This is truly why we signed up for this, well and Walter to have a job, but whose counting that. ;)  Everything is an adventure. This is the stuff I live for.  When do you ever get picked up early in the morning by your driver, driven to the most beautiful botanical gardens I have ever seen, gotten so close to a Tiger it could have ripped my face off, this one was not drugged, had parrots stand on my kids head, fed elephants then had a loose one come after us to learn he was a very friendly elephant who just wanted our bananas we had bought, seen a traditional Thai dance, and watched an elephant show where all the elephants would stop by where Jack and I sat to see if we would feed them any bananas. All this before noon.  

Left botanical gardens to be driven to the most gorgeous view along the Bay of Thailand to eat a fabulous lunch where the kids got to chose which piece of seafood they want to eat out of the tanks. 

From lunch driven to Bangkok where we get to watch a movie in the van because we are not driving. Dropped off in front of the immigration office to meet with our lawyer so we can get our 2 year visas. The driver takes us where we need to go everywhere. After 2 hours we are sent on our way to the most amazing dinner. This dinner was a doozie!  Wow!  Greeted at the entrance by the manager, taken to our table, treated like royalty. Let me just say it didn't suck.  Never had Australian beef before and Yum. Okay it tastes just like USDA Prime beef but it was delicious. I hope my kids appreciate all this fine dining. They sure are learning about etiquette.  The ladies at Big K know how to take care of us. We are spoiled!

This all happened today I kid you not. See what I mean when I say I need a reality check. 

Who has time to blog when this is their day.  ;)

😘 M

Educational lesson #11- When in a high rise hotel please close your blinds before entering or exiting the shower or tub. My kids don't need an up close and personal anatomy lesson like I had the other night. 

Educational lesson #12 about living in Thailand- topic Nudeeeee Bars (isn't that the way everyone pronounces it) lol
Question by Erin: what is a Nudeeeee bar dad - Walter: well it's where women don't wear any clothes at the bar
Erin: oh so like do they take their clothes off before they go to the bar or do they take them off while there getting drinks
Walter, Ryan, and myself: rolling on the ground laughing hysterical. Gotta love her naïveté 

I always said we are giving our kids a world class education!!!

Botanical Gardens, Nongnooch Garden and Resort will be the first place we go to check out when visitors come, aka MOM and DAD.  It is a must see!  

Here's a few visuals 

Very close tiger. We could reach out and touch him but we were all very chicken. 

Hanging with the birds. 

Car made of complete clay pots. Some of the sculptures were amazing. 

Feeding the elephants!  Oh so very very close to these guys!

This is the one that was chasing us!  Hysterical

Lunch view

Andrew very happy with his lunch pick, blue claw crabs. 

Erin and Jack doing what they do best, bartering with the street vendors in Bangkok!  They made this guys night. Bought a big basket for 260 baht around $8.60. Needed a basket for all our laundry. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It snowed in Thailand today!

Got your attention didn't it. Well it did snow today just not like how Michiganders know snow. Ok no one knows snow like my MI friends but it did snow today in Erin's room. It was crazy. I think the air con got a little crazy and did not like how cold she wanted it and decided to rebel so it snowed on her clothes. I actually didn't believe her until i went in there and it actually snowed on me. Maybe it was just feeling sorry for what we will miss come August;) oh sorry I mean December.  
It was good amusement for us. 

Bad picture but what you see is actually snow on her clothes. 

Today's post was supposed to be about driving. It is so hard for me to stick to topic but I'll try. Soon this crazy life will be the norm. First off Walter is better. Starting to walk more normal. Thanks for those concerned. He is not ready for Thai massage to be his cure. Give him time. :). 

Have you ever played Frogger on speed?  (Frogger was like one of the first games on video). Okay me neither. I was never one for drugs but I swear if I had this has got to be what driving is like here.  It is absolutely nuts. More than nuts but my thesaurus is not working tonight. ;) You drive on the left side of the road and the right side of the car. Ok those that go to Europe know what I'm talking about but add in a million people on scooters and dogs everywhere, people everywhere, and no rules. It is crazy. You cross a road just praying you dont get squashed. The bigger your car/truck the less rules you have to follow. If you have spent any time with the Elms family you know we are not quiet but put us in the car with one of us driving and we are silent, meaning not a word is spoken.  We all have a death grip on the handles. No leather will be left on the doors when we are done with this car. Which by the way I have to Give a big thumbs up to the Big K. Nice Car!  

It's a Korean car.  Doesn't look like it from this picture but it Seats 11 so no worries about getting around when you come visit us.

Look at the right corner of the windshield. Meet our newest family member Garlene!  Yep we named our Garmin. We decided she deserved some respect because she gets us around.  Without her we would be in Cambodia.  Also since we Yell at her often, Like, Where the Hell are you taking us or oh sh.......t is this really a road, she was name worthy.  Without her we would be nowhere or somewhere but who the hell knows where that would be. 
A side note - she makes us giggle everyday because of the way she pronounces the roads. It's hilarious. We won't be taking any Thai language lessons from her. Rosetta Stone she is NOT. 

Here are some things we have to dodge when driving.  Sorry Walter didn't get the elephant that was snarling traffic on his way to work the other day. Road kill has taken on a NEW meaning here, And we thought the cows and horses were bad in Mexico. 

Sorry for the quality of picture but this is a baht bus and yes those are people hanging off of it. 

Something normal. Our street we live on. Pretty!

Funny story of the day, okay I have about a hundred, Ryan is driving, the car is silent, we are following behind a cement sort of truck. We are stopped behind him, he is going left, us right. A road side BOMB goes off, well sort of. It sure felt like it. The blast was so loud that we all thought we were dead but strangely in the same dream or hell whichever you choose. Probably more like hell. When the dust clears and Erin checks her head because she hit the side window. We feel around to see what is damaged inside the car. Walter yells drive, Ryan drives.  We swear the car isn't going to move, it does. We don't want to stop because we are sure someone is after us. No one is. We pull into Khun Johns, this is the restaurant we are going to for lunch.  We get out of the car to inspect the damage, nothing. We are all fine. No damage, nothing. We all roll into hysterical, manic giggles. What the hell was that??  

Backfire, the truck in front of us had backfired. I guess because Ryan was so close to the truck when it backfired it shot out under our car.  
That right there explains all the crazy encounters on the road; however, I am sure that wont be our last. 

😘 M

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Things happen in 3's. ~ Why?

I wasn't going to write today, really. I thought I would give myself/you a break. Well, that didn't happen. This blog has become somewhat therapeutic for me. Writing has become my outlet. 

Today started off as an ordinary day, well as ordinary as a day can be living here. It was all good. We woke up, had breakfast on the 19th floor. Off to play "football" (soccer) with some new friends at the kids school. It was a family event. All dressed and ready to kick butt. Off we go, pick up Ryan and Erin, their turn to stay at the house last night with Sparky, and head to school. Teams are drawn, 4  v 4.  Slightly lopsided the teams, that I fault Walter for ;).  Getting our butts kicked, Jack dribbles down the field, Walter tries to take him out and he steps the wrong way and POP.  With a very loud Ow Walter is out, he has popped his calf muscle. He can't walk. ( I believe it is Walters way of forcing me to drive) 

Got back to the house (OMG I drove,SCaRY, my kids actually clapped when we arrived home, what does that mean you ask, hmm I'll get back to you on that one). Jack is silent in the car ride, that in itself should have been a clue.  We are trying to take care of WAlter though he is reluctant of our care. In the house giving Sparky some love and just chilling out ( it was HOT this morning). We are all standing around the kitchen, remember not a lot of furniture, out of Jack comes a sound I don't like repeating but think of a regurgitating sink. Yep he threw up all over the place several times.  One time I'm actually grateful we don't have carpets in our house nor lots of furniture. We run around helping him and cleaning up. 

An hour or so later Things are returning back to normal. Jack has stopped and cooled down, he is feeling better.  Getting ready to leave and go back to the Amari there is a boom. We are all startled looking outside towards the gardener thinking maybe he has done something, we are not used to the sounds of our house, then the water starts.  It is raining through the roof in our house. Nope not outside but inside. The water is pouring through the light fixtures In the half bath, the light in the hallway in front of the bathroom and then outside in the laundry area. It is not a light rain it is a downpour.  Ryan runs for the gardener, he is the handyman as well. The kitchen floor is covered with water. Thankfully there is a drain in the floor in the half bath because it is coming down hard in there. Now here is the crazy part, we pack up and leave. When does that ever happen when you own a home. Oh that's right we don't. It's not our problem. We rent and can't speak a word with the gardener ( his name is Sam, who would have thought) anyway so why stay. We come back a few hours later and guess what the whole thing is cleaned up. Who knows what is wrong but there is no more water raining in the house. 

Even with the 3 things that happened, Overall the day turned out great. Crazy, yes but still good.  We spent the afternoon at the swim up bar at the pool.  That in itself always makes everything better. :) Jack is fine, Walter is not and the house is still standing, geckos and all.  

Cheers 😘 M

"Do not take life to seriously.  You will never get out of it alive." ~ Elbert Hubbard

Tomorrow: It's a toss up. Driving or Dinner. Both deserve a spotlight. 😊

Hope to include some visual tomorrow. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dear Sparky

Hip hip hooray. You have arrived. I'm so glad you made it safe and sound. So sorry that it took so long and that your hungry. Seriously when are you not hungry. I think you are happy too, so much that you were trying to dig out of your cage when you saw me for the first time, or maybe it was your tail wagging so hard that you could barely keep your balance, or maybe when I was trying to fuss over you that you took off with Jack into the backyard and did a giant swan dive into the pool, or maybe when you slept so soundly on the kitchen floor you made your usual happy grunting sleep noises. 
We are glad you are with us. It makes this place feel a little more like home. 

Your Family

Lost a little weight but actually she looks great. She is happy and healthy!

Now to give you an idea how this is playing out. We received Sparky yesterday at our house. Our air shipment has not arrived. Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue ( that is what is running through my head in a very slow irritated voice). In our house we have plastic wrap beds, some furniture, TV and now wifi.  We don't have any sheets, towels, plates, cups or basically anything else unless I snuck it in my suitcase.  Feeling sorry for Sparky having been trapped in a cage for 3 days and fear of her being by herself in the house, Walter and Ryan volunteered to stay with her overnight ( I told you Walter really loves me, it's these subtle ways he shows me, lol). Okay I think it might have something to do with the way I nagged, maybe Walter would say whined, about it for 3 days about what we were going to do with Sparky since we weren't getting our stuff.   

I sneaked out pillows and towels from the Amari, ( don't worry I plan on sneaking it back in) Jack lent them his Phillies blanket, I gave them my green blanket. They were ready. I allowed them to take off the plastic wrap from the beds. ;)

The worst part of all is we have become toilet paper stealers ( no I am not returning that) yes this is what my life has succumbed too. TP stealers. This country is extremely stingy with their rolls. Their rolls have like 20 squares. I'm talking do you have a square to spare (Seinfeld anyone?). Now I know why people told me to put TP in my shipment.  We don't have a car yet so we have yet to go to the supermarket and every time we go to Family Mart ( think 7/11) we forget. We are staying in a hotel so one doesn't think about TP. The kids go to the night markets where they can get anything from Rolex, to Polo shirts, or Ray Bans but no TP sold there. 

Since trying to get some of our stuff to the house we just grabbed 2 rolls from our room. We were supposed to go to the store yesterday but with the dog showing up, interviewing the maid ( yeah that's another story), trying to get my 22 loads of laundry done in a washer that holds 6 things, and trying to get the air con working, there was no time. 

At the house yesterday we lived off of crackers, peanut butter, Nutella, (told you I had some strange things shoved in my suitcase) 2 waters I took from the hotel ( yes starting to lead a life of crime here) and coconut water that the gardener whacked down from our trees then continued to machete on our patio so we could drink the water inside and 2 rolls of 22 squared TP.  But Sparky was happy!  

Today, I have more TP shoved in my bag for the house but I think this life of stealing will end because we get our car.  SCARY!


PS. Happy birthday to my mother in law Judy!  Love you!

PSS. Don't think my sister is reading this but Betsy if you do and in case you were worried ;) I have syrup in my suitcase.  Remember when we lived in Mexico and you calling me Elf with all my syrup.