The IB program is divided into 6 classes that the student studies intensively for 2 years. Those 6 classes are divided into high level and standard level. You have to take 3 HL and 3 SL. She has chosen which classes she will study, the math is the only one she is struggling with whether its HL or SL. Today they told her she needs to go to HL math. She is the only girl along with 7 Korean boys. Needless to say she was intimidated. When the teacher asked her where she was from and she answered America (that is how we are defined, no one understand United States or US, actually I have found people looking at me weird when I say I'm from the US much less Michigan) the boys all turned around and were like how did an American girl get in this class. One of the boys has already befriended her and offered to be her tutor. Funny. Like I said before I think she will be just FINE!
Jack liked his teacher. He came home with a British accent. ;) He made some friends one of which is another Jack who is also new to the school and in his class. This kid is either from the UK, Ireland, Britain or somewhere he has no idea. Boy I really need to work on geography with these kids.
All the important stuff, recess etc, was good for Jack except lunch. He just didn't like it. I told him to give it time. He said mom they only serve rice. I know for a fact that they serve more than rice but I guess that's all he recognized at that moment.
Andrew is going to take some time. He is definitely more my quiet introverted one. He does like his classes and started Thai today. He is also taking Mandarin. Why? The only answer I can give is -that is just Andrew. He walks to his own drum beat. He is also my kid who seems to have the best of friends once he makes them. Something about Andrew draws kids in. He had a kid today alway seeking him out and trying to include him. Like I said Andrew makes his own rules.
Me - usually I jump for joy on the first day back to school ( okay don't judge, I know most moms secretly love when summer comes but by the end are totally ready to have some free time to themselves again and know there will be food in the fridge when they come home in the afternoon)
Today was different. Besides the horrible butterflies I had in my stomach and the glitch in the school van pickup. Yes they were eventually picked up but not until I was driving halfway out of the neighborhood and the kids yelling at me that this was NOT how they wanted the first day to begin. They were gone.
I came into my empty strange (still feels like a strangers house without our stuff) house and really wanted to cry or crack a beer. I really couldn't decide but it was only 7:30am and I didn't think I needed to start another habit. I really didn't know what to do with myself. I have spent everyday with my kids morning, noon and night since July 23. Also I had the driver showing up in 30 minutes and no where to go. I have a love hate relationship with this driver thing. Thankfully a new friend texted me asking if I wanted to go to a Yoga class. Hello if you know me I am not a Yoga person and have never taken a Yoga class. Maybe this was the call I needed. Not having worked out in a month makes me feel like Honey Boo Boos mom, so basically desperate, I will do almost anything to get out of the house and do something different. I went to the class. The instructor I swear is an ex Bollywood dancer. No man should be able to put his legs where this man could. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what he was saying and he was speaking English (I think). ;) I am sure I looked like one of those transformer figures that my boys used to play with, they would try to manipulate the parts into movements but the plastic is to hard and if you pushed to hard on the thing the leg/arm/head would pop off because it isn't supposed to bend that far. Yep that was me. Best thing I ever did. Saved me from years of Betty Ford. Can't wait to go back!
😘 M
Official photo of the first day of school.
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