The driver started today. We have a driver, who would have ever thought. Today was a day of uncomfortableness. (Give me time I'm sure I will get accustomed to it) I have this man that sits outside my house in my carport with absolutely nothing to do if he isn't driving us anywhere. He does clean the car though, which is nice. Think about how much your car sits around not driven then add a man who you pay to drive that car. First day and I'm struggling with paying for a person who is not doing much of anything plus worried about him being bored, (This is just my personality, my kids keep reminding me he is being paid to be bored). (I bought him a donut at the grocery store because I felt bad he had to wait, yes he already thinks I'm crazy)
Stress is creeping in, I have a man sitting outside my house. I am now feeling the need to go out. Where to go? Of course, we need a table and chair so he has some where to sit when not driving us anywhere so I don't feel guilty for him not taking us anywhere. Ahhhhhh. This gives me reason to go out. Asking him where to get this he drives us and this is where he takes us, Dollar store hell.
I think I spend more money feeling bad about him sitting at home doing nothing than if I didn't have a driver at all because the guilt has set in needing somewhere to go which all I know at this point is shopping. Crazy!
I am helping the Thailand economy.
Wooden figures anyone?
Rows upon rows of sh.........t. Doesn't everyone have a need for light blue or pale pink plastic plates?
Anyone in need of a plastic wrap Thai baby or a giant plastic glow worm for their lawn?
Erin and I made it out of there with about 7$ worth of stuff. We were lucky. ;).
Unfortunately I did not buy a table and chair and my poor driver has another day of just sitting in the car waiting around for me.
Pressure is on, where do I go tomorrow?
Ryan is leaving tonight. With their flight leaving at 4:55am Walter and Ryan have to leave the house at 1am. Tough day for me but hopefully happy for him. Foot massage was in order, can't leave Thailand without one. Dinner at Khun Johns because where is the best place to have Thai food but Thailand. Christmas count down has begun. I'm going to miss this kid.
Ryan's future is so bright, we gotta wear shades!! Michigan State here he comes!
Okay Ray Bans are really cheap at the market. We couldn't resist. Lol
😘 M
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