Sunday, August 4, 2013

It snowed in Thailand today!

Got your attention didn't it. Well it did snow today just not like how Michiganders know snow. Ok no one knows snow like my MI friends but it did snow today in Erin's room. It was crazy. I think the air con got a little crazy and did not like how cold she wanted it and decided to rebel so it snowed on her clothes. I actually didn't believe her until i went in there and it actually snowed on me. Maybe it was just feeling sorry for what we will miss come August;) oh sorry I mean December.  
It was good amusement for us. 

Bad picture but what you see is actually snow on her clothes. 

Today's post was supposed to be about driving. It is so hard for me to stick to topic but I'll try. Soon this crazy life will be the norm. First off Walter is better. Starting to walk more normal. Thanks for those concerned. He is not ready for Thai massage to be his cure. Give him time. :). 

Have you ever played Frogger on speed?  (Frogger was like one of the first games on video). Okay me neither. I was never one for drugs but I swear if I had this has got to be what driving is like here.  It is absolutely nuts. More than nuts but my thesaurus is not working tonight. ;) You drive on the left side of the road and the right side of the car. Ok those that go to Europe know what I'm talking about but add in a million people on scooters and dogs everywhere, people everywhere, and no rules. It is crazy. You cross a road just praying you dont get squashed. The bigger your car/truck the less rules you have to follow. If you have spent any time with the Elms family you know we are not quiet but put us in the car with one of us driving and we are silent, meaning not a word is spoken.  We all have a death grip on the handles. No leather will be left on the doors when we are done with this car. Which by the way I have to Give a big thumbs up to the Big K. Nice Car!  

It's a Korean car.  Doesn't look like it from this picture but it Seats 11 so no worries about getting around when you come visit us.

Look at the right corner of the windshield. Meet our newest family member Garlene!  Yep we named our Garmin. We decided she deserved some respect because she gets us around.  Without her we would be in Cambodia.  Also since we Yell at her often, Like, Where the Hell are you taking us or oh sh.......t is this really a road, she was name worthy.  Without her we would be nowhere or somewhere but who the hell knows where that would be. 
A side note - she makes us giggle everyday because of the way she pronounces the roads. It's hilarious. We won't be taking any Thai language lessons from her. Rosetta Stone she is NOT. 

Here are some things we have to dodge when driving.  Sorry Walter didn't get the elephant that was snarling traffic on his way to work the other day. Road kill has taken on a NEW meaning here, And we thought the cows and horses were bad in Mexico. 

Sorry for the quality of picture but this is a baht bus and yes those are people hanging off of it. 

Something normal. Our street we live on. Pretty!

Funny story of the day, okay I have about a hundred, Ryan is driving, the car is silent, we are following behind a cement sort of truck. We are stopped behind him, he is going left, us right. A road side BOMB goes off, well sort of. It sure felt like it. The blast was so loud that we all thought we were dead but strangely in the same dream or hell whichever you choose. Probably more like hell. When the dust clears and Erin checks her head because she hit the side window. We feel around to see what is damaged inside the car. Walter yells drive, Ryan drives.  We swear the car isn't going to move, it does. We don't want to stop because we are sure someone is after us. No one is. We pull into Khun Johns, this is the restaurant we are going to for lunch.  We get out of the car to inspect the damage, nothing. We are all fine. No damage, nothing. We all roll into hysterical, manic giggles. What the hell was that??  

Backfire, the truck in front of us had backfired. I guess because Ryan was so close to the truck when it backfired it shot out under our car.  
That right there explains all the crazy encounters on the road; however, I am sure that wont be our last. 

😘 M

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