Monday, January 27, 2014

The Restaurant

How do you choose a restaurant?  
Maybe you drive by see a new sign, type of food offered, recommendation 

Thailand is ALL by recommendation because you never know what your going to get or what your going to walk into.  Always looking for somewhere new to try we expats trade restaurant info often. Us westerners are always looking for a good burger and fries or a sandwich. There are many places to eat in Thailand but not many places I will go to eat. Out with a few girlfriends they were talking about this place called CC's. Said it had great burger and fries. It was mentioned it was a bar but if it's not food from a cart or a high end restaurant here it's always a bar. 

Now I have to mention that not many women and their kids go out to eat alone on a week night. When Walter was away on business in the states we always went out to dinner at least once while he was gone here there are only a few select places I'll go and usually we don't. Monday morning I had mentioned that there was a new burger joint that someone told me about, Walter being away the kids wanted to try it that night. I really didn't think much about going out we got in the car told Biayoon that I thought I knew where this place was (Khun Biayoon is quite use to this from me, I'll say yes I kind of know where something is so let's just drive and we will figure it out, he just shakes his head most days).
 We find it, Biayoon is more than skeptical about this place but like I said he is use to me now, the kids and I get out the car. Now the kids are concerned, from the outside it looks like a biker bar with Thai chicks. We walk in, ok it's not a biker bar but close. Not one to make a scene plus I got my kids running into me from behind as I stop sharply at the entrance we walk in. Not one but 3 old gross guys and their chickies stop talking and turn around at the bar. Looking at us like who are you and why are you here. I proudly say heard you make a good burger. The owner doesn't say much. Guess he's not use to a mom and three kids coming into the bar for food.  My kids going um mom are you sure. Andrew makes us take a table in the back. Putting in our order one of the guys at the bar has some serious colorful loud language. The kids again are looking at me like really where on earth have you taken us. The owner comes over and tells me I should go tell him to be quiet, I decide that really isn't my style. 
We order, get our drinks and again really loud colorful language coming from the bar. 
Next thing I know we have a free round of drinks our food is out and the guy with the lovely language is at our table apologizing, he bought me a beer. No he wasn't scary extremely apologetic for a drunk guy. 
Burger was great, drinks were cold and some strange new friends we made. 

Lesson learned: I will go back there probably never on a weekend and ALWaYS with Walter. Back to staying home when Walters away or sticking to the usually standbys. Sometimes to be an adventurist here is not always a good thing. :)

So do you know what January 26th was?  Australia Day!  Don't worry I didn't know either even after we got invited to a party. It is the official national holiday of Australia. It marks the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships in to Sydney Cove and the raising of the Flag of great Britian. Impressed, ha don't be I had to google it.  The Australians celebrate it much like the US do for 4th of July with a lot of beer and barbecue. January is summer for them.  We went to our first Aussie barbie. Hung out with a bunch of people that talk really funny and speak English but sometimes I have absolutely no idea what they are saying. Jack is working on his Australian dictionary. Quite a lot of fun was had. 

New site on the roads for me today, a convict car.  What is a convict car well ......
Picture this - a pick up truck with a locked cage over the bed. Written on the sides is Police Convict Car. This was in english to which I thought was strange. Yes and it even had it's very own convict in the cage. As I drove by you can see perfectly into the cage and the guy was completely shackled to the cage. No need for a mug shot I saw him up close and personal.  
After seeing this it has completely reinforced my behavior to OBEy all laws. 
Wish I had taken a picture

Requested from my mom - here are a few photos from Erin and Andrews trips

Andrews had 2 important comments after his trip

"Mom a boy can change in a week." (Hmm still pondering what that means)
"Mom I think the people in the hill tribe have figured out happiness, they have nothing, like limited electricity, limited running water, no hot water unless boiled and NO technology but everyday those kids smiled and had a blast. A blown up balloon provided hours of fun. We didn't even speak the same language but I had sooooo much fun. "

Needless to say Andrew is going back to the hill tribes in 2 weeks for an entire week to work and help with the children again. Walter, Erin, Jack and I are going to the beach that week - he didn't mind missing out.

One of the caves Andrew explored. 

The kids from the village. Can you see Andrew?

The kids from the village with their balloons. 

Exploring the river

Erin's photos from Krabi

She's in the pink hat. 

Erin and her girlfriends on the plane. 

Jack next Thursday leaves for Nepal. Have I mentioned that I want to be one of my children. 

Cheers from the other side!
😘 M

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