Friday, July 26, 2013


Registered at the hospital today. It is a necessary thing to do when living here. I guess it guarantees that you will be treated if you are registered. Also will help you get a doctor that speaks the same language as us. The hospital was like a first class hotel. Everything was beautiful and soooo clean. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the atrium, all marble flooring. Giant vases with flowers were on each floor. My kids were enamored by the carts with fresh water on them. They each must have drank 3 cups of water. The cups looked like clear yogurt cups with a cellophane top that you popped a straw into. These carts were on every floor for anyone to take. Not something we would see in the states. All signs were in English and Thai. It looked like they had waiting rooms for many different nationalities. Turns out you go to the hospital for everything not just emergencies. Sorry no pictures. I just wasn't sure how that would go over. Just trying to show a little respect now and again. 😜
With the Erin's health lately I was glad to have registered as soon as we got here. Who knows when I will have to take her.  Hopefully later rather than sooner.  Now lets just hope I can drive her there.  Driving lessons start next week for me. 

We checked in on the house we are renting. It had been cleaned but I think the geckos thought it was for them. Fresh poop was on the window sill. Im not afraid of them I'm sure Sparky will show them who is  boss. Just hope they don't become part of her diet like the flies are in MI. 
I'm a little concerned with the washer/dryer. Yes it is a combo unit, never seen that before, it washes and dries. This thing is sooooo small. Of course, this is something I should have complained about BEFORE we rented the house as I was so gently reminded by Walter. Looks like we may be buying our own washer. 
Kids were excited about their rooms. Jack was just happy to have a really big bed. I am really interested in how much that boy is going to really sleep in it and not on Andrews floor. He is not one for sleeping by himself often. He always ends up on someone's floor. 
Our air shipment shipped. I'm hoping we get it August 1 which is when Sparky shows up. Not sure how she will feel being in the house by herself.  Guess we will figure that out next week. ☺ 


View from our hotel room

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