Monday, September 23, 2013

Karaoke, I do NOT

Remember, your voice does not sound any better in a foreign country even in your mother tongue. 

If only I had stuck to that mantra Saturday night. I NEVER sing karaoke but for some relapse in my mental capacity I did. These ladies love karaoke. Being invited to the birthday party was quite a privilege for Walter and I, being the only foreigners, we were enjoying the entertainment. Getting quite the kick out of their song choice from Perry Como, Air Supply, Whitney Houston and Bon Jovi. They kept bugging me to sing saying your the American come sing your English music. No no, was my usual reply.  These ladies were hilarious singing these English songs with their Thai accents. The one woman couldnt even carry a conversation in English but she was the one doing all the singing. They even sang Jimmy Buffet. At one point Walter and I thought we were in a bad movie. So maybe you can imagine why for some reason I thought that I "just HAD" to sing a song better than a Thai person when singing an American Classic 1980's song. As I watched her attempt to sing Bon Jovi I really began to believe (could have been the Chang influence) that because English was my native language I would do a far BEtTER job of singing the song than she would. How wrong I was!!! 
My new Thai friends did not ask me to sing again. Something about carrying a tune. The stage was theirs the rest of the evening.  I am a much better audience member. Lol

It was so bad that when Walter, the kids and I went back to the restaurant last night one of the staff recognized us and with no words exchanged between us just a pretend microphone in his hand and laughter.  Walter laughed and of course tipped the guy when we were leaving. Me, I may never show my face there again. ;)

No Walter did not sing, smart man.  Oh and if you don't recognize him, He is the really tall white dude! Lol

Life here in Thailand has begun to seem normal, scary that my life seems normal. We have fallen into a routine. Kids have adjusted really well. Both boys got glowing reports from their head masters about how well they have fit in. Erin is enjoying her week in Koh Chang. She comes home Friday. The house is a bit quieter with her gone. On a bummer note she did not get elected Red House Captain. She is Head of her Tutor room. She was a bit bummed but has bounced back and is okay with it. I was just proud that she attempted it being new to the school. She also has a very cute "friend" who came to dinner on Sunday but I can't talk about him. 

I finished my book, sort of, and went to book group to discuss it. I haven't been that intellectually challenged in a long time. Yikes these women are serious. I just had to work hard on listening to keep up with the different accents, never mind giving my input about the book.  The fun thing about it is I got to go into a really cool house with an amazing view of the sea, eat some great food and listen to these women speak who are from all over the world. Forget the book, that is enough reason for me to go back next month.  I just like hearing their stories.  
Also now I'm exotic as well because I'm Australian. Something got misinterpreted about where I'm from and I got labeled as from Australia. Shhh I'm going with it for a while. Now I can really practice my Aussie accent. I'm getting quite good. ;)

Walter is doing well and working lots though his fantasy football is suffering. Something about not being able to sit and watch the games has thrown off his mojo. I think it's because we are to involved in watching Breaking Bad on Netflix that he isn't giving proper attention to his lineup. 
He heads out Monday for the next 2 weeks to India and Korea. 

All good on Ryan's end, well at least that is what I think, haven't heard much from him lately. Must have enough money. 
Listen If you hear from him tell him to call his mum (that's Australian for mom). ;) lol

😘 M

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