Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sports have begun!

No longer am I the chauffeur.  No longer do I run around after school driving to and from different activities trying to find a clone of me to get different kids to different sports at the same time.  Whaaaaa, I actually miss it, well sort of. 😉 Believe me, I never thought I would say that. A late van brings them home from all activities OR if your my spoiled kids the driver picks them up, who stands and waits for them and carries their bag and puts it in the back of the car then carries the bag into the house. I put a stop to that. They can carry their own damn bag. Also when we move back they will expect me to do that and I don't think so!  What a life they are leading. 

Sports have begun!!  Kids are excited. It is very different from what they are use to. Erin, Andrew, and Jack are expected to participate in an after school activity Monday and Thursday then on Tuesday or Wednesday they can participate in team sports. Not much goes on during the weekends for sports but that I'm sure will change if they get accepted into the travel program. If that happens travel no longer becomes a 30 to 60 minute distance now it's like different countries, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, and China. 

Jack is playing football (soccer) 2x a week and rugby. Thursday he participates in Course Sports, which we have no idea what that is so I can't really explain it, starts Thursday. He already got picked for the first "football fixture" which I'm assuming is a game since a formal letter came home asking permission for him to travel to another school and the equipment he needs. Needless to say he is happy. 

Andrew is playing basketball, football (soccer), and rugby. He is also continuing his saxophone which are private lessons during the school day. They are pressuring him to play in the school orchestra but he is, NO WAY, practice takes place during sports. A battle I can already predict. 

He is taking Spanish and he said a light bulb went off in his head today while in Spanish class when all these words came flooding back to him. Maybe living Mexico is not just a bad dream for him after all. Lol. He is also taking Thai which is hilarious when the driver and maid say things to him. Yeah he is not getting that one so quickly. 

Erin is running for Red House Captain. Yep thats my girl, why wait until your familiar with anything and run for something that requires a popular vote. (Hint that was said in a very sarcastic voice). Think Harry Potter, the entire school is divided into 4 houses named by colors and rare gems that I have no idea what they are.  She wrote a speech and presents to the entire red house ( includes the entire school, year 1 and up). Her speech is actually really good.  I would vote for her, but I am her mother so duhhh. 

Erin's Monday -Thursday activities are Mondays spent at the women's shelter and Thursdays at the orphanage. I know your either thinking  ahh so sweet and what a great person or your thinking oh please is she going out for the Mother Teresa award. Well both opinions are right, sort of. She is required for her degree 50 hours of community service and only certain things count and for her grade limited things are offered because of her course load. She has been approached by the basketball coach, hasn't played since I think 3rd grade but who cares she is like one of the tallest girls in the school. (We are in Thailand ) Football (soccer) is not an option for her because they consider her an expert (no she didn't play for any special team)  it's just that she played for a gazillion years and they want the IB students to expand their potential and place themselves out of their comfort zone and try something new. But she was approached by the girls head football coach and wants her to play which would be considered an extracurricular sport, which also counts towards the IB degree. Whatever she chooses I'm fine with as long as she keeps track, to many rules for me. 

I am trying to go to anything and everything to find my place. Eager beaver is me!  Being new, again, sucks!  It's like childbirth, you forget how bad it really is until you do it again. Somehow my brain forgets easily since I have more kids than most and have moved more times than most. Being over the age of what I don't want to mention, I really don't like being the new kid in town but I'm adjusting. Tennis ( thank goodness, how I owe Big Papa a thank you for making me pick this sport up a ton of years ago), coffees (where they really drink Proseco, not complaining) and a new book club (somewhere I will have to find my brain and try not to get the shakes when it brings me back to HS junior year English with required reading) try Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, my first book. Yep not the best book for me to ease into this new group. Its more like falling into the shallow end of the pool head first!  I will have to bring my brain game (don't know if I have one but will let you know).  

This book club is good for me, it is keeping me from addicting Netflix and HGTV programs. Lol. Do you know you can watch an entire season of shows on Netflix.  You can actually watch an entire season in one weekend. No really, I didn't do that!!!  Ok, Walter travels a lot!!! Don't judge!

Walter returns from Singapore and Malaysia tonight, places I thought at one time were exotic, not so much anymore considering they are only an hour plane ride. JK. I haven't been so still exotic to me. 

Ryan is well and enjoying college life. I think he was a bit homesick this past weekend. It might be wanting what you can't have sickness because I think if we still lived in MI he wouldn't have come home. Who knows. He made the MSU fall lax travel team. Very cool that he made the team. We are excited for him but unsure if he will do it. Your thinking what? Why?  It requires travel during the holidays with the team and he doesn't know if he wants to miss being with his family right now with us being so far away. Completely understandable but Walter and I are pushing him to think about it. Makes me feel bad knowing if we were still in kzoo he would be playing. He needs to make the right choice for him. He does love college and is thinking this term is too easy, he should get all A's then, right. 

Sparky is happy as a clam. Between the maid, driver and gardener ( don't roll your eyes) they all throw the ball and have seemed to pick up my very high pitch voice when speaking to her, Sparky Sparky Barky, in english no less with this very cute thai accent. Yep they all do it, hilarious. I'm proud! My kids, not so much!

We have many animals joining us in and outside the house. The black and white bunny is still visiting us each evening. It might have something to do with the kids now feeding it carrots. The geckos are in abundance with one falling on my head in my bedroom, no I really didn't scream that loud. Lol. We seem to be the main snack of Mosquitos right now with me sporting like 15 bites on my legs and feet, attractive I know,  hopefully that problem gets taken care of tomorrow when pest control comes to spray. 

We get the NFL, sort of. Monday morning is when Sunday night football is played. Watched the Cowboys game Monday morning, so happy to be chatting with my parents at the same time.  Somehow it just seemed a little different with the kids at school, Walter at work, and me sitting on the couch at 7:30am with cold beer in hand. JK. The maid sure did look at me funny, but what else is new they all think I'm nuts. 

As always, life is carrying on and I am trying to hang on for the ride and make the best of it. 

Need to go, need my hands to smack the Mosquitos and my iPad so I can read this dreadful, I mean wonderful novel. 😊 Unless, I decide to catch up on Weeds, my new addiction, no not the drug the TV show on Netflix. 😝

😘 M

Our bunny, well not really but one we have named and give treats too. 

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